Zodwa Wabantu allows fans to kiss her sweet ass

Zodwa Wabantu allows fans to kiss her sweet ass

Zodwa Wabantu will forever entertain all the revelers and fans who usually come out just to see her do her thing on her shows.

The queen herself loves her fans dearly and she can practically do anything for them without any fear of receiving any backlash from netizens online or critics because they will always talk regardless of what you do or say.

Zodwa Wabantu knows how to entertain, I think we’ve ascertained that but what we haven’t reiterated on is the fact that she’s good at it.

It’s not every other performing woman out there who can give permission to their male fans to touch their assses leave alone to kiss it.

Wabantu is built differently and her fans love her for it.

She allowed a fan to kiss her on her ass while she was performing. You cannot make shit like this up, you have to see it to believe it.

Check it out for yourself below


GEt the above clip here: Zodwa Wabantu's juicy ass gets kissed by fan (117520 downloads )