King fucker pumps his dick in her in 10 positions just within 20 minutes after smoking weed
King fucker pumps his dick in her in 10 positions just within 20 minutes after smoking weed

King fucker pumps his dick in her in 10 positions just within 20 minutes after smoking weed

Recent scientific studies substantiate what many marijuana users have claimed all along — that it enhances sexual performance.

Research has established that weed increases erotic pleasure, it enhanced the quality of women’s orgasms and their libidos in general.

So they say that prior to sex weed may increase libido in female users, which in turn can release positive endorphins and increase vaginal lubrication.

But scientists nevertheless stress that it’s only the consumption of small quantities of marijuana that enhances sexual performance in both men and women.

A king fucker must have paid keen attention to marijuana use before sex, he is seen in a video smoking weed during foreplay with a chubby woman.

And when he gets done with his weed, it was fire. He pumped his erect dick in her in 10 positions just within 20 minutes.

The two shaggers didn’t do it indoor on a soft mattress, hardcore fuck outdoor. Check out the video below: