Kenyan climate activist Mercy Masai sex tape leaks

Kenyan climate activist Mercy Masai sex tape leaks

Mercy Masai, a Kenyan climate activist and tourism ambassador, has gained some notoriety on social media thanks to her sexual activities and not her actual work.

Masai’s nude photos and sex tape were leaked online by someone who betrayed her after chewing her unapologetically.

The nude pictures show Mercy Masai, under the influence of raw sexual desire, parading her melon-sized boobs as she is being photographed.

The Twitter account which leaked her nudes said the aim was to expose Mercy Masai as a whore and peel back the corporate mask that she wears.

“I will still release the video Mercy Masai. U like pple to look at you like a corporate lady but under yr sheep skin u are a cheap hoe. U prefer old men in their 60s bcoz they can only go 1 round. The mzee who was pumping u was breathing heavily. Maasai I will expose u today,” posted he account.

They ultimately went on to release the video of the climate activist being fucked doggy style.

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Download!!! Mercy Masai sex tape (11284 downloads )

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