Mike Sonko leaks nudes of Governor Ann Kananu’s close confidant Mary Nkatha

Mike Sonko leaks nudes of Governor Ann Kananu’s close confidant Mary Nkatha

Former Nairobi Governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko has done it again only this time he has released the nudes of Mary Nkatha.

Mary Nkatha is a very close confidant of the current Nairobi County Governor Ann Kananu.

Mike Sonko is heard telling the beautiful Mary Nkatha to show her titties which she confidently agrees to it and she goes on ahead and shows them to him as he cheered her up.

Mike Sonko also asked her to show him her pussy but the viral clip that most Kenyans are looking for abruptly ended, maybe there’s a part two of the viral clip.

If you haven’t watched it, do that below;


Download the above clip here: Mike Sonko leaks Mary Nkatha's nudes (631 downloads )