Naughty, horny woman dances naked for Stunner

Naughty, horny woman dances naked for Stunner

Stunner who doesn’t need to be introduced by anyone in Zimbabwe caught the attention of netizens the other day.

Stunner whose real name is Desmond Tambawoga Chideme is one of the pioneers of the Urban Grooves music scene as we know it today got to enjoy some free strip show when he was performing.

An unidentified woman jumped on the stage when he was performing and made sure that he showed her horny side before she was escorted down by security.

The woman started playing with her boobs right then and there as she rubbed her crotch on Stunner’s left leg while he was performing.

It’s stuff like these that you cannot make up even in your wildest dreams. Watch the video below


Get the above clip here: Woman strips for Stunner while he was performing (528 downloads )