Rose Nduta fucks a random dude in the forest

Rose Nduta fucks a random dude in the forest

Rose Nduta is back with another video that she took on the same day that she took the viral video where she fucked herself by the roadside using a dildo attached to a car.

Apparently on the same day, she had something to share with her fans exclusively.

She got fucked that day, so her horniness for the day was well-taken care of by a man who wore a balaclava deep in the woods.

A few days ago, Rose Nduta alias Rozie told the entire world who cared to listen that she is the number 1 Kenyan porn star by far and she’s not afraid to share it with the entire world and tell them all about it.

“Am proud of being the BEST AND ONLY KENYAN ADULT FILM STAR,” she wrote on her Instagram.

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