The curved penis demystified: Man with dick pointing True North butchers lady with raw pleasure

The curved penis demystified: Man with dick pointing True North butchers lady with raw pleasure

Men with ​penile curvature give women the best sex experience.

The degree of curvature determines how intercourse is affected. The more the dick is curved the more the pleasure is generates to woman because a curved dick scratches the G-spot better than a straight cock.

When it comes to women’s pleasure, the G-spot is the bomb.

It is a classic hit with women since it’s the hotbed of sexual gratification.


Since the G-spot is located about an inch or so inside the vaginal opening on the upper vaginal wall — closest to the belly button, men with curved dick don’t need to sweat to hit it.

The G-spot is sexually sensitive and swells slightly during arousal and feels raised or bumpy. Although all women have this tissue, not all get stimulated with the men they are fucking.

This why the curved dick is a gem, it hits the G-spot like a sledgehammer, guaranteeing raw pleasure. Watch the video below to see what am talking about
