I’m going through a lot at the moment, I met this guy exactly a year ago on a WhatsApp Group, became friends for a while and started dating.
Just after a month this guy called me one evening to break up with me for no reason. I asked if I have offended him in anyway.
I was very surprised because I really liked him, before we broke up we never had sex. Fast forward few months after the breakup we settled issues and started having sex almost every time we meet.
In December I found out I was pregnant and told him , he then said we are sticking to any decision I make so we decided to keep the baby.
About a month later I showed him baby items I’ve got for our baby, surprisingly he told me I will be a great single mother. Even told me he will deny this pregnancy when things get critical.
I was surprised because we both have well paying jobs . He refused to call or pick my calls, neither did he reply my messages, sadly I had complications and lost the baby last month.
Just last week Sunday he called to meet me up which I initially refused because I felt there was nothing to talk about, but after long phone text I decided to meet and listen to what he had to say.
To my uttermost surprise, he was apologizing for all he had put me through. I was confused but I still love him and didn’t want to drag issues with him so I forgave him, we had a nice time.
Just after a week I have confirmed another girl on the same page that they are dating. The very Sunday he took me out, I confronted him and he denied. The worst part is he’s angry at me for asking and has refused to talk to me.
I love him and I don’t know what to do. Am I at fault for asking? Should I apologize or I should let him go.